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Review: Rola spikes vs Electric fencing vs Barbwire
Feature Rola Spikes Electric Fencing Barbed Wire Security The most effective anti-climb wall solution available in the market proven by experts Easily tampered with and cut. Wire tapping a major problem. Too many false alarms. Can be cut with pliers and use of blankets to cover it. Durability UV StabilizedGlass Fibre. ReinforcedPolyamide and Nylon.Rust Proof Made to last over 10 years Requires constant maintenance on a yearly basis and new energizer every 2 years. Rusts and bends easily. Depends on type of wire available. Maintenance Maintenance free depending on wall quality. Once off installation. High maintenance costs – energizers and other...
Maximizing your Electric Fencing with Wall Spikes
Maximizing your Electric Fencing with Security Spikes
Advantages of Perimeter Security Solutions Using Wall Spikes
Perimeter security is crucial for protecting any property and its occupants. There are various solutions available to secure the perimeter, but spikes have become a popular choice due to their versatility and effectiveness. In this blog, we'll discuss the advantages of using spikes as a perimeter security solution.